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Viraday Tablets Online at Wholesale Cost - Medslane

Category:beauty/health care / health care

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Viraday Tablets Online at Wholesale Cost - MedslaneViraday Tablet is a combination of antiretrovirals medicines. It is prescribed to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. It boosts up the immunity to fight against HIV to manage or treat AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). It works by preventing HIV (virus) from multiplying, thereby reducing the amount of virus in your body.

Product Detail:

Brand Name: Viraday
Active Ingredient: Efavirenz IP, Emtricitabine IP, Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate IP
Manufactured By: Cipla Limited
Form: Tablets
Strength: Efavirenz IP-600 mg,
Emtricitabine IP-200 mg,
Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate IP- 300mg
Packing: Pack of 30 tablets
Country Of Origin: India

Buy Viraday Online at wholesale cost from Medslane. We are one of the leading Viraday Tablets wholesalers, exporters, and bulk suppliers around the globe and focus on supplying high-quality medication to our customers around the world.

Buy Now: https://www.medslane.com/buy/viraday-tablets/

Contact Details:

Website: https://www.medslane.com
Mail: info@medslane.com
Phone: + 91-8130158680

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